Opening Hours : 09:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.    |    Last Ticket Timing : 5.00 p.m.

Webinar on Mind and Memory Skills

Pushpa Gujral Science City organized a webinar on “Mind and Memory Skills” on October 10, 2020. The objective of the event was to give the participants certain powerful strategies to improve their memory in more empowering ways.

The webinar was attended by more than 200 participants including students and teachers. Dr. Rajesh Grover, Director, Science City in his welcome address said that memory training is very vital for young generation keeping in view increasing competition level among students. PGSC had organised this webinar to bring about an attitudinal change in the students regarding memory and learning.

Sh. Kunwer Rajeev, Associate Professor, Multiple memory record holder & renowned Mind and memory trainer was expert on this occasion. He said that memory is needed in every single moment of our lives. The way we use our memory decides what we become since in any profession / occupation, Memory Management Skills can prove to be a priceless asset and lead to improved productivity and profits. He stressed on the importance of registering, reviewing and recalling our thoughts to sharpen our memory. He also demonstrated some basic tips and techniques for students to improve their memory.

The webinar was highly appreciated by the participants.