Opening Hours : 09:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.    |    Last Ticket Timing : 5.00 p.m.

The Amazing Living Machine Gallery

Want to know more about human anatomy and physiology? Come and explore the amazing Living Machine gallery.

Compartmentalized into three sections, the gallery reveals the intricate structures and functions of the human body using large working human models and other interactive exhibits. Step in and walk through the 12-feet tall beating Heart Model demonstrating the working of the circulatory system from 'within' the heart.

Watch a CT scan machine and an operation in progress. Check the movement of the bone joints by pedalling on the bicycle among others. Measure your blood pressure. Know your heart's health or measure your pulse rate on the display. Check your pulse rate.

Notice the changes in the shape of your ECG as the heart rate increases.  The Transparent Man theatre show will leave you awestruck as you see through a human body.

You can learn about Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Human immunodeficiency Virus in HIV gallery & witness our new gallery on Drugs and de-addiction to practice and propagate SAY NO TO DRUGS

The gallery gives a glimpse of how technology is used as a tool in the diagnosis of health problems and offers much more. Be a part of this interactive experience of knowing your body well!

Transparent Man Show

The Transparent Man theatre shows human organs and their function along with their amazing facts through audio and visual mode.

Star Attractions

  • Giant Walk through Heart model
  • Watch the movement of lungs and the diaphragm as we Breathe In & Breathe Out.
  • See a CT scan with real size model of CT scan machine

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