Opening Hours : 09:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.    |    Last Ticket Timing : 5.00 p.m.

Webinar on Grassroots Innovations

Pushpa Gujral Science City organized a webinar on Leveraging ideas- Developing an Innovation Culture in the Society on August 1, 2020. The objective of the event was to raise awareness as well as inculcate culture of innovation and creativity in young minds.

More than 200 students and teachers participated in the webinar including 100 participants through PGSC’s You tube link. Director General, Science City, Dr. Neelima Jerath in her welcome address said that the main objective of the Science City is to promote innovation and creativity in the young minds by providing them an appropriate platform to display their ingenuity and innovativeness in an informal and playful environment. She appealed to the young audience to come up with their ideas and use  platform provided by Innovation  Hub to develop these further.

Prof Anil K Gupta, Founder, National Innovation Foundation in his opening remarks stressed on giving room to the young minds to think and shun "Chalta hai " culture in the country to promote innovativeness and creativity. Further, he said "to enhance innovation and creativity, firstly one needs to continually expand one's knowledge base and understand the things happening around and think over to make necessary changes in order to get fruitful outcome for the welfare of society". He narrated inspiring success stories of the young innovators and also interacted with young minds attending the webinar and motivated them to adopt innovation as a way of life.

The webinar was highly appreciated by the participants.